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Solo the Travelling Pup

We've stayed in touch with Solo and his forever family since they took Solo home 5 years ago. He is always up for adventure and has seen more places in the world than we have!

We received a letter from Solo and couldn't help but share his story of amazing adventures. He leads a very exciting life with his incredible family. Him and his family take such good care of each other. We love hearing about our puppies and their adventures!

April 2022

Hello Becca & Logan!!


Long time no talk!! It’s me………Black and White Collar Puppy, but now my name is Solo!!


I know it’s been a while since I’ve been in touch with you guys, but, Hey….I’ve been busy!! I just had a birthday last month – yes it’s true – I’m five years old now – five human years that is.


You know it seems like ages since I’ve seen you two. You sure took good care of me when I was a little bitty puppy. I’m all grown up now, of course, but I remember our time together. Such great memories!! That farm was a fantastic place to spend the first few weeks of my life. Lots of green grass, fresh air, room to run around and that paddling pool you had on the lawn really came in handy when the weather warmed up. I cannot thank you enough for watching over me and making sure I had everything I needed to get a good start in life By the way, how are my biological parents doing – Laddie and Keisha? I hope they are doing well. They are probably retired by now. I can just picture them strolling around the farm and keeping an eye on everything. That’s a lot of responsibility!! Next time you see them, would you let them know that I’m having a fabulous life. And I would be remiss if I did not send a Great Big THANK YOU to Keisha and Laddie for the fantastic genes!! I cannot tell you how many times people have called me ‘Soooo Cute’ and ‘Super Adorable’. And not just people who know me – complete strangers too!!!


Well, I’ve got to tell you, since I joined my human family, life has certainly been one surprise after another. You know starting life on the farm like I did, I was used to peace and quiet. Next thing I know, I’m living in a city in beautiful British Columbia. Traffic, sirens, noise everywhere I went. It was quite an adjustment for a young pup, but at least I was still in my home province. All the neighbors who lived on our street thought I was just the cutest puppy they had ever seen. Everyone loved me!! So, it was a very positive and happy environment for me in my formative years. Remember I mentioned surprises?? Well, here’s a doozie!! After about a year and a half of living in BC, my Mommy and Daddy explained to me that we would be moving – just a short drive to the Maritimes!! Oh yeah – piece of cake!! Not!! Naturally, I wanted to go too – after all, Mommy and Daddy, they are my Peeps so where they go, I go. That’s just the way it is (most of the time)!! I was excited to move, but I was pretty scared too. Yikes!! You see, when I was a youngster, I used to get car sick. Eeeewwwww!!! But that all worked out OK since I had a terrific veterinarian who gave my Mommy some medicine for me to take on the trip. I have to say that it worked like a charm – and now I never, ever, ever have to take medicine before car rides. Isn’t that fantastic?? But I digress…..


Next thing you know, Mommy and Daddy are busy packing up all the stuff in our house. There were boxes everywhere and the tape gun seemed to be Daddy’s new best friend – I really disliked the sound from that tape gun. Whenever the tape gun would come out, I would run into the bedroom and sit in the chair, that is until Daddy sold the chair to a nice lady. It was kind of upsetting to me to see everything turned upside down. You see, I’m not a big fan of chaos, I like calm and quiet, so all the noise and activity in the household prior to us moving was a little hard to take some days. But, deep down I knew everything would be OK because Mommy and Daddy were always close by and they always looked out for me. So I just kept an eye on things, crossed the toes on all my paws, and hoped for the best. Well, everything was going as well as could be expected and then MY STUFF started to disappear!! My toys, my bed, even my extra food and treats all went to the SPCA. That was a little nerve wracking, I’ve gotta tell you. I just hope that my stuff brought some comfort to other dogs who have fallen on tough times.


When it was time to leave on our short drive to the Maritimes I was so excited!!! I hopped in the backseat and Daddy buckled me in so I’d be safe and secure while we were driving. In our family, everybody wears a seatbelt in the car. I figured after a quick snooze, we should almost be there since it was only about 20 cms on the map that Mommy showed me. How long could it take?? Breakfast in BC and supper in the Maritimes. Boy oh boy – was I ever wrong…… took days and days to get there!! When Daddy yelled, “Road Trip!!, he wasn’t kidding. That’s the longest time I’ve ever spent in a vehicle. But did I ever see lots of Canada. Mommy, Daddy, and I have driven to visit family and friends before, but those trips were nothing like this one!!!


The first stop was Calgary, then Regina, then Winnipeg. It was really cold in Winnipeg. I wouldn’t recommend it. Daddy even had to buy a toque while we were there so he would be warm while we were out for our walks. Then it was bye-bye Manitoba and hello Ontario. Next was Thunder Bay – I laid awake all night, but I never heard any thunder!! Sorry, but I don’t get it!! Our next stop was Sault Ste Marie. That was a good time. We stayed at the same hotel as an entire Junior B hockey team so I got to hangout with ‘The Guys’!! Of course, either Mommy or Daddy was always with me to make sure I was OK and behaving myself. I sure had fun though – there were so many people to visit with, and I had so much to explore. I was exhausted by the end of the evening. As you know, meeting and greeting are my areas of expertise. No other canines do meeting and greeting with as much joy and enthusiasm as Soft-coated Wheaten Terriers. But then, I don’t have to tell you about the Wheaten Greetin’ – you already know all there is to know on that subject!!


I was having so much fun at Sault Ste Marie, I would have happily stayed there for a while, but Mommy and Daddy said it was time to “hit the trail” so I jumped back into the vehicle and we headed down the highway to Pembroke. Then we drove through our nation’s capital. I looked everywhere to see if I could spot Parliament Hill, but I did not find it anywhere. Maybe next time we’re in Ottawa we’ll have more time. I think it would be so cool to have a walk around The Hill. I could go in and say “hello” to the Senators. The Senate Senators, not the Ottawa Senators, although they are probably a pretty fun group too. Sorry, I’m wandering a little off track……..


It took no time at all and we were out of Ontario and heading into Quebec. Montreal here we come, Montreal there you go and then it was on to Levis. The day we left Pembroke, was an especially long drive. We made it all the way to New Brunswick and we were officially in the Maritimes!! Yahoo we made it!! Just one more drive and we were at our destination. Mommy, Daddy and I were all very happy to have made the cross-Canada drive, in winter, and arrive safely at our new home.


I just loved our house in the Maritimes. The windows were really big so I could look out and keep an eye on all the action in the neighborhood. I had a great big yard to play in and right across the street there was a cute little Havapoo named Piper. She and I met on the very first day Daddy took me for a walk. Piper and I became good friends and we would play together whenever we had the chance. Oh yeah – fun times!!


The Maritimes seemed nice. We had a great house with comfortable couches and I had my crate, my pillow, and my toys. I thought, “Life is good.” Daddy, Mommy, and I had settled into a routine. We knew our way around the area pretty well. I had a fantastic veterinarian to look after me and give me checkups. She was sooooo friendly and kind to me. And winter in the Maritimes, let me tell you about winter. Winter was just the best because there was a ton of snow. There were snowbanks all over the yard. I would run down the deck and leap off the patio into the biggest drift I could find. When I would get back to the house, I’d be covered in snow and Mommy would take a towel and try and wipe as much snow off me as she could so I did not leave a trail of melted snow across the floor. On nice days, Mommy and Daddy would throw snowballs around the yard and I would chase after them. Yep, I always loved to play the snowball game.


Well, as it turned out, the Maritimes was not our home for very long. One winter was all it took for Mommy and Daddy to start looking for somewhere else to live. Somewhere warmer, somewhere with no snow!!! It happened that I was just chilling on my pillow, thinking happy thoughts, and then I heard it!! My head jerked up like a rocket headed to Mars – I would know that sound anywhere. Oh no – the dreaded tape gun!! Daddy with his tape gun can only mean one thing…….WE’RE MOVING!! Next thing you know the suitcases came out, and furniture and other items in our home disappeared one by one. Where are we going this time, I wondered, and would I be going too?? Mommy could see I was getting a little worried, so she cuddled with me and told me everything would be OK. She explained that we would be moving to Europe and that we would all be going – me too!! I had never been to Europe. Heck – I didn’t even know where it was, but if Mommy said I was going to go too, well, that was good enough for me. Europe – get ready because Solo’s on his way!! With our cross-Canada drive under my paws, I was pretty sure I could handle another big road trip wherever Europe was. Boy oh boy was I in for a surprise and I’m not talking new squeaky toy surprise – Think Bigger – Way Bigger!!


You’ll never guess what happened – Mommy, Daddy, and I headed west to Montreal and next thing you know we stop in front of this big building with hundreds and hundreds of people, maybe even thousands of people coming and going. There were so many cars and honking horns everywhere. It was kind of hard on my delicate canine nervous system, but I screwed up my courage and put one paw in front of the other and did what I had to do. I looked at Mommy for reassurance that everything would be OK and Mommy said we were at the Montreal airport. Well, I had never been to an airport before, so I was anxious to go inside and see what it was all about, plus I wanted to get as far away from all those honking horns as I could. You know us Soft-coated Wheaten Terriers, we do not particularly like loud noises. Well, did I ever get my eyes opened when we stepped inside – there were people everywhere. And one thing I noticed almost immediately was that just about everybody had suitcases. Most people only had one or two suitcases, so I think we won the prize because we had The Most Suitcases (and my crate)!! Daddy was pushing two carts full of suitcases and my crate, while Mommy had another cart with suitcases, her purse, and me!! Daddy said we must look like a circus sideshow as we made our way through the airport. I had no idea what he was talking about, but Mommy thought it was so funny because she laughed and laughed. Since I am a naturally curious creature, there was just so much to smell and so much to see and all those people to say ‘hello’ to……..Wow – what a day!! I don’t mind admitting I was a little overwhelmed so I decided it was likely best to stay really close to my Peeps. There was a nice lady in a uniform who helped us make our way through the airport since we had to go through about four different checkpoints and a couple of times I felt like all eyes were on me. I felt like I was auditioning for the movies or something. Strangers were coming up to me and checking my crate and looking at me and then Mommy had some important papers that she had to show these dudes in uniforms – they were quite official looking if you ask me. Well at the final checkpoint, Mommy, Daddy and I go into a nice quiet room. I thought it would be a great spot to relax and have a snack. Well, that did not last long because two ladies in uniforms showed up and told Daddy and Mommy that I would be boarding soon so I needed to go into my crate. Boarding?? Boarding what?? An airplane headed to Europe that’s what!! And the worst part was that Mommy and Daddy left me with these two ladies and walked out the door. Before she left, Mommy told me just to relax and have a snooze. Thanks Mommy great advice there. Just great!! Well, I was in my crate at least, which was comforting, and these two ladies seemed nice so I crossed my paws and hoped that my Peeps would be coming back for me soon. But before I could say ‘tartar fighting dental stick’ I was transported outside where I sat on a cart next to a giant steel bird-like thing. I had never seen anything like it before and I have to say I was a little……well, a lot worried!! As it turns out, the giant steel bird, well that’s also known as an airplane. And then up, up, up, and over, and my crate and I were buckled into position for what would turn out to be a very long time. Too long if you ask me!! I’m all about new experiences, but this one, this one was ridiculous!! Thankfully I had some travelling companions – two other canines were also on the airplane with me, so that was nice. We could all wonder what the heck was going on together!! Next thing I know, the door closed and it was soooo dark I could not see the nose at the end of my face. And a few minutes later, I could tell we were moving, but where were my Peeps? I thought for sure they would be going to Europe with me. I certainly did not understand what was happening, so I just hung out in my crate and tried to keep myself calm. Deep down though, I just wanted to see Mommy and Daddy!! They were going to have some explaining to do next time I saw them!!


Well, I’ve got to tell you, after what seemed like an eternity, I was finally able to get off the airplane. The door opened and my crate and I were lifted from the airplane and put on another cart, only this time we went into a big building instead of going out. I looked around and so many people were in uniforms again and lots and lots of people had suitcases, just like in Montreal. We must be in another airport I said to myself. And you know what – I was right!! Mommy says I am so smart and a quick learner, so I was not surprised that I could connect the dots like I did. And then I asked myself, “Solo – do you think maybe this is Europe??” I had no idea, but I had other issues, a more pressing need that demanded my attention. You see after that long airplane ride, I needed to pee in the worst possible way. I have never peed in my crate in my whole life and I was not going to pee in my crate in Europe or wherever I was. No sireee – not happening. And then I spotted Mommy and Daddy, and they saw me and came running over to get me. What a relief!! What joy!! What bliss!! My family has found me!! I heard someone say to Mommy and Daddy, “Welcome to Lisbon”. Lisbon!! Lisbon!! I thought we were in Europe!! I wondered, “Does this mean another airplane ride??” I hoped not because once was enough – thank you very much!! Since Mommy and Daddy were with me now, I was sure Daddy would open my crate door and I could hop out and find somewhere nice to pee. But nothing happened – Daddy did not open the door even though it was clear that I wanted to get out of my crate………N-O-W!! Much to my chagrin, Daddy wheeled me into another room where I was visually inspected by a veterinarian. All I could think about was “Really!! Do we need to do this checkity check now??” I was a little exasperated because by this time, I really needed to go outside and water some grass!! And then suddenly, the veterinarian took the cart that I was riding on and wheeled me outside the airport where I was finally able to get out of my crate and do some business. That veterinarian must have read my mind – he seemed like such a nice man and he was so kind and helpful to Mommy, Daddy, and me too.


So there we were, Mommy, Daddy, and me – in Lisbon or was it Europe?? I did not know for sure. All I knew and cared about was that I was reunited with my family. Phewwwww!! What a relief!!


Well, let me tell you, my story does not end here. There’s more.. . . . . . .


As you might imagine, my life in Europe has been very different than my life in Canada. My first few days in Lisbon were pretty fun. Daddy, Mommy and I spent a lot of time walking around and exploring the sights of the city. We had to pay attention though whenever we were walking outside because the sidewalks are all bumpy and uneven, and there were so many cars zipping around, and the streets were so narrow. And car horns were blasting everywhere. I would not call Lisbon a very relaxing place, that’s for sure.


As it turned out, while we were in Lisbon, Mommy and Daddy had some official appointments that they needed to go to and for some strange reason the people they were going to see did not want dogs around………..not even super cute dogs like me!! Go figure that one out!! Anyway, I was kind of worried what would happen to me while my Peeps were away, but it all worked out OK because I was able to score a part-time gig as Assistant Concierge at our hotel. The Concierge and I hung out at a desk in the hotel lobby. It was our job to meet people and greet them and welcome them to the hotel. Well, as I’ve told you before, meeting and greeting are my specialties, so I was a welcome addition to the team. The Concierge was a great guy. He took me for a walk on our break and let me get some fresh air and sunshine, but then it was back to our post because we were ‘on duty’ and had to complete our shift. After a few hours who comes strolling into the lobby but Mommy and Daddy. Was I ever excited to see them!! I really liked my job and the Concierge was a good guy, but I love my family, so as soon as my Peeps came back, I was done for the day. In fact, I retired from my Concierge career and I’ve never looked back.


As it turns out, Lisbon is in Europe so when Mommy told me we were moving to Europe and our airplane landed in Lisbon, we were where we were supposed to be so thankfully, I did not have to endure a second airplane ride. Yahoo!! I would do it, of course, if Mommy and Daddy said I needed to, but to be honest, I’d really rather not. So I’m in Europe now with my family and it has been one new experience after another. The hardest thing for me about living in Europe is understanding other canine friends when they talk to me. When Daddy and I are out for our walks, we see lots of dogs, some are chained up, which makes me sad, and some are roaming around their fenced yard, and they almost always are barking, but I have NO IDEA, what they are saying. They are not barking in any language I’ve ever heard before. I think I will need to take lessons so I can learn to bark in European. Most days I am very quiet and calm and I don’t really have much to say, but if I could bark in European, then I could converse more easily with dogs in the neighborhood. Maybe Mommy and Daddy will get me a tutor – that might help.


Mommy, Daddy, and I, we are in a good place. We live in a nice house and we have friendly neighbors, so that’s a relief. Of course, just like in BC, all the neighbors make quite a fuss over me and tell me how cute I am – at least that’s what I think they are saying because I cannot really understand them either! Where we are now, we are close to a small city so we can go in and Daddy and Mommy can do our shopping and access all the services that we need. Every few weeks, I go and see my new groomer, and she gives me a bath and cuts my hair. I must confess that I am not terribly fond of these personal hygiene appointments, but I endure them as best as I can. The hair dryer though – that apparatus is not my friend – not now, not ever!!


I have a new veterinarian too. He seems nice enough, but really, I am still getting used to him. Mommy and Daddy are taking me for visits to the clinic so the veterinarian and I can get acquainted better. My Peeps can see that I am very nervous when we are at the vet’s office, so they are hoping that in time I will relax a little. I can tell that Mommy and Daddy would really like it if my new doctor and I could build a friendship. I think we would both like that too. I’ll let you know how that goes. Cross your paws for me and send me some positive vibes!!


One thing about my life in Europe that I really, really like is going to the beach. Every so often, Mommy, Daddy and I go for long walks along the boardwalk. Whenever we go, there is almost always a lot of people out for a walk at the same time so we all had the same idea I guess. I like the feel of the sand on my paws. There is always a breeze rolling in off the water and that brings so many smells to shore, and you know I just love smells. My little nose works overtime whenever we are at the beach. The breeze keeps the air cool too, which is especially nice if my hair is longer because I have not been to see my groomer in a while. I can also feel the spray on my face as the ocean waves roll in and crash on the shore. Daddy is especially interested in watching ocean waves, as for myself, I can take it or leave it. Then Daddy starts talking about the power of the sea and the force of nature or something like that. I am much more focused on the power of the ice cream truck!! After a big walk, do I ever need a drink and a nap. I use up a pile of energy on our beach walks so I always appreciate a good snooze on my pillow when we get home. Yes, beach days are good days, tiring days, but fun, fun, fun!!


I can see that this letter is getting a little long, so I think I will stop right here. I just thought I’d send you a letter to let you know that everything is A-O-K with me. Don’t you worry about me – me and my family, we are doing just fine. As you can tell, life with my Peeps has been a bit of a rollercoaster with lots of twists and turns, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. I love Mommy and Daddy with all my heart, and I know they love me right back. They are always looking out for me and making sure I have lots of food, water, treats, and toys. I’ve got some really comfy places to nap and when I am feeling frisky, I have a big yard where I can rip around. Life is good!!!


Take care of each other and stay in touch. I’ll send some pictures along with this letter so you can see how much I’ve grown. Even though I’m not a little puppy any more I still think I’m pretty adorable, but I’ll let you decide that for yourself!


I better skedaddle – I never know what Mommy and Daddy are planning next, and I sure don’t want to miss anything!!

See ya!!

Your Friend, Solo

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